February Post Pets Update

Hi, it’s Hmsdavid here again with another post and on this post, I will be doing another pet update.

So I wanted to start off with my butterfly’s. For many years since I was little, I have been raising and releasing Monarch Butterfly’s and each year at my house since I have grown 3 big Crown flower trees I have been taking care of hundreds of caterpillars. I usually get the most caterpillars at the end of summer to January. After January it starts to slow down because of the cold weather so some migrate to warmer places.

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Next, I want to give an update about my guppies and my betta fish. So I will start off with my guppies, recently I have had a lot of my babies be sexed as females and because of them, I have had at least 30 baby guppies in my tank in the past month. The only bad thing that happened recently was that my original female died and got eaten by the snails. So for next months post, I will give you guys another update like every month so be ready for that.

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Lastly, I want to give that update about my betta fish and Praying Mantis. So my betta fish are doing well my healthiest male I plan on breeding for the first time with my female in the next 4 months. And I plan on breeding my original male and female bettas so I can get babies and give some away. And now for my Praying Mantis, this will be the last update because she died last weekend. I don’t know why but I guess it was her time to pass on. Thanks for reading my post see ya bye.

February Posts How The 3rd Trimester is Going So Far

Hi, it’s Hmsdavid back at it with another post and on this post, I wanted to talk about how I am doing so far in the 3rd trimester of the school year.

So my third trimester so far has been to me pretty bad. I say that because I have not been doing so well in Language Arts and Science. For Language Arts earlier this week I had an F but now it is a D minus slowly getting to that C. And my Language Arts is that low because I have forgotten to turn in some assignments that were due already.

But I am hopeful that my Language Arts will get to at least a C minus at least by the end of the week. Now my Science I got an F in that class too because just like Language Arts I forgot to turn in one assignment which dramatically brought down my grade. But for science, it should go back up to a B because I turned in a late form and have finished that assignment. so also am hopeful that will go up by the end of the week.

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Language Arts via Creative Commons Search/Other

Lastly, I wanted to talk about the consequences if my Language Arts and Science doesn’t go up by the end of the week. So in our school, we have something called Academic Probation or AP for short. And you go in it when you have had a D or lower in a class for 2 weeks. And if I don’t get my grades up I won’t be eligible to play in next weeks game and the games after that until I get my grades back up to a C or higher. Well that it for this post guys See ya Later Bye.

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Science via Creative Commons Search/Other

February Post 1 Varsity Basketball Season 2019

Hi, it’s HmsDavid here again with another post and on this post, I wanted to talk about the varsity basketball season of 2019.

So first off I want to tell you guys about the past 2 years I have been playing for HMS. I was a normal kid in 4th and 5th but I always wanted to play sports for the school. I have been thinking about it since I was in 4th grade but I had to wait till I was in 5th grade to be eligible to play.

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WORDS TO BE A LINK via Creative Commons Search/basketball

So the first time I played I really had no idea what to do because the only time back then I played basketball was at recess. In just a couple of weeks, I had to learn many plays to be able to play at the competing level. I had no idea what the other teams were like and was very confused. So after a few weeks, the season was over I had scored 2 points that season and was pretty proud of myself.

In 6th grade, I played some times but not all the time because I was pretty rusty then compared to when I had played in 5th grade because I had not practiced at all. So I went through that season getting yelled at a lot and we went undefeated 6-0 that season. Now this season was my first varsity season I was excited because there is a new coach he is very nice and encouraging. I got to learn new plays that I have not learned before and it was pretty fun. We now have had about 3 games and we are 1-2 an alright start. Last game we won 32-14 and I had scored my first points since my first season in 5th grade. Well, that’s all for this post I will keep you guys updated bye.

Monthly Post/ Backyard News

Hi, its hmsDavid and this is the first time I am going to be writing about this topic other than the fish updates I write every so often.

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WORDS TO BE A LINK via Creative Commons Search/cats

So you guys have seen my fish updates post so I will be writing about the rest of my pets that I care for at my house. So first I will start off with Pumpkin and Cinnamon my two cats. So recently I took them to the vet’s office with my uncle and we dropped them off and when we came back we got the news from the vet. She said that Pumpkins growing teeth problem have gotten worse from last year and that a 1,500 dollar operation is needed to clean his tartar, and if the teeth are no good they will pull it.

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WORDS TO BE A LINK via Creative Commons Search/Bunnys

Cinnamons report is much better than pumpkins she said that she just has two bad teeth and that all for her. Next is my bunny she is doing alright acting like a normal bunny yeah I don’t know much about her though because shes never been to the vets. Yeah and basically everything else has been alright so yeah that’s my post for this month see ya.

Monthly Post/ Fish Updates

Hi, it’s hmsDavid here again for the monthly posts I have to make two posts and this one is going to be about my fish updates. Enjoy

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WORDS TO BE A LINK via Creative Commons Search/Tilapia fish

So first off I will start off with my Tilapia. Around Christmas or a little before they contacted a disease that killed one of my babies. I don’t exactly know what kind of disease it was but I was thinking it was some kind of fungal infection external and internal. Lucky all of them didn’t die off I managed to save all but the one baby. I did some research and bought the correct medicine and it was all better again.

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WORDS TO BE A LINK via Creative Commons Search/betta fish

Next, I will talk about my betta fish. Now they have been doing really good, my Delta, and Crowntail male and female have raised two babies successfully. They were both very beautiful red, and blue males I named one Bluetooth and the other Balloon. And just recently I went to Petco and bought a baby female that hopefully will survive and be able to breed with Bluetooth.

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WORDS TO BE A LINK via Creative Commons Search/Fancy tail guppies

Lastly, I have my guppy updates They have been doing very good because I noticed they have had about 30 babies in the past couple of months. The only sad thing was that the original mom and her first daughter died. Basically, everything that is living in the tank has increased in numbers. Well, that’s all for this post here are some links below for more.

SBC Week 10 Reflection

Hi, it’s HmsDavid here again on the last post of this years SBC Challenge year. So here today I will be answering questions and reflect on them.

  • How many weeks of the challenge did you participate in? I participated in all the weeks of SBC this year.
  • How many posts did you write in the ten week period? I wrote about 8 posts including this one week 10.
  • How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers, or other visitors? I received 0 comments from classmates on my blog for this years SBC but I commented on many blogs.
  • Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why? The post I enjoyed writing the most was the one where it was about celebrations. And I chose that one because I like talking about family and holidays.
  • Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog? The web tools I used to show creativity in my blog were avatar websites for my profile, and not much that’s it.
  • What are your plans for your blog now? Will you keep posting? My plans are to keep posting about my life and exciting events but I won’t post as much because I have other work to do.

Audit Questions:

  1. What were your first impressions of this blog?  There was not much detail in any of the answers. It was difficult to grasp any sense of attachment or personality in them because of that.
  2. What captured your attention?  The fact that HMSDavid is interested in sharing more about his life by blogging. It would be interesting to see how much detail he could include if he were to approach writing as he does speaking in everyday life.
  3. What distracted you on the blog?  The sentence structure. Some of the sentences just seemed to include several thoughts, with very few breaks or pauses in between. Written sentences should sound no different than normal speech. It might help to read them aloud before deciding that they are good enough.
  4. What suggestions can you give me to improve my blog?  A blog should be about you. It is not usually something that involves questions being asked by anyone other than yourself. This is an assignment, of course, but it can still contain more personalization. A blog is something you are putting out there for the whole internet to see, so be careful, but also don’t be afraid to share your interests and points of view. That is what makes a blog worth reading and keeps readers coming back to hear more.

SBC Week 9 Coding Task 1, and 2

Hi, it’s HmsDavid here again and for this weeks topic coding, I am going to write about What I did for task one and two.

So first I am going to talk about what I put for my comment on Alex’s blog/ Miss Morris. So I went to Miss Morris blog and wrote this… Hi, it’s HmsDavid and I’m commenting on your story. So I am David, from Hawaii and I am in 7th grade. I wanted to say that I think it’s really cool that you can have such a great job being blind and am able to do that job very well because coding is a very hard thing to do.
From HmsDavid

Next, I am going to share my experience of the game I played.   So I decided to play Minecraft. So the game was alright for my interests. It was a little hard at first at what to do because it wasn’t working that well but once I got it working it was fun. It has like direction blocks and the game right there and had a certain task you had to do in order to complete that level. I learned more on how to direct people and learned how to code. I would recommend it to people who like Minecraft.

And that is all for this post and be sure to tune into the next one bye.

SBC Week 8 Celebrations Task 1 Family Celebration

Hi, it’s HmsDavid here again and on this post, I am going to be talking about my family celebrations, and about it.

Thanksgiving: We celebrate it around November. We celebrate it by making lots of really good food. We don’t give each other gifts but we like to talk on that day and catch of with friends and family. We usually host the event but sometimes we go to friends and family’s events. My special memory was from this year when my uncle’s parents came over for Thanksgiving all the way from Los Angeles.

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Christmas: We celebrate it on December 25 like everyone else. We celebrate by spending time with family and like watching movies and enjoying the day. People give each other gifts on that day. Only we are involved on Christmas we don’t go anywhere we stay home. My special memories are yet to come for this Christmas because I am going to Japan to celebrate with my family there too.

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Valentines Day: We celebrate it on that day I forget which day it’s on but. We celebrate it by making lots of food kind of like Thanksgiving. We don’t give each other gifts only because it’s not a very special day for us but me kinda.

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SBC Week 7 Task 2 Free Choice

Hi, it’s HmsDavid here again with another post and for this week of SBC week, 7 and I decided to do the free choice. So something that interests me is Fish so I decided I am going to write about My recent fish updates. So first off if you guys didn’t know already I have 13 fish tanks with all kinds of fish. I have Betta fish, Guppies, and Tilapia. So today I am going to talk about all of those I mentioned there.

So my betta updates, they all have been doing well and the 2 offspring from the parents I finally know the gender of. One is a male and the other is a female. So next my Guppy updates. They are doing alright but not good.

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I say that because I recently have noticed that there haven’t been to many new babies born like before there used to be many born every week but now it has slowed down. And also a couple weeks ago I lost my female guppy. I think she was either tired from making babies, or she was sick but she was born with a deformity.

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Now lastly my Tilapia. They have been doing excellent because they have been reproducing well, and almost none have died except for a couple of babies. But with all this good news comes the bad part one of my baby/juvenile tilapia doesn’t have as much energy as before so I think that he or she is sick or injured. And that is all for my fish reviews tune into next post-bye.

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SBC Week 6 Task 4 ABC’s

hi, it’s hmsdavid here again with this weeks post on task 4 about the scientific ABC’s.

  1. A is for Antenna- a rod, wire, or other device used to transmit or receive radio or television signals.
  2.  B is for Black Hole-
    a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape.
  3. C is for Comet-a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun.
  4.  D is for Dark Matter-nonluminous material that is postulated to exist in space and that could take any of several forms including weakly interacting particles
  5.  E is for Earth-the planet on which we live; the world.
  6.  F is for Fusion-the process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity.
  7.  G is for Galaxy-a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.
  8.  H is for Heat shield-a device or coating for protection from excessive heat.
  9.   I is for Instrument-a measuring device used to gauge the level, position, speed, etc., of something, especially a motor vehicle or aircraft.
  10. J is for Jupiter- is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System.
  11.  K is for Kuiper Belt-a region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune, believed to contain many comets, asteroids, and other small bodies made largely of ice.
  12.  K is for Light-the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.
  13.   M is for Magnetic Force-A magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence of electrical currents and magnetized materials.
  14.  N is for Neutron-a subatomic particle of about the same mass as a proton but without an electric charge, present in all atomic nuclei except those of ordinary hydrogen.
  15.  O is for Orbit-the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon, especially a periodic elliptical revolution.
  16.  P is for Photon-a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. A photon carries energy proportional to the radiation frequency but has zero rest mass.
  17.  Q is for Quark-any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons.
  18. R is for Radiation-the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles that cause ionization.
  19. S is for Saturn- is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter
  20. T is for Temperature-the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch.
  21. U is for Universe-a particular sphere of activity, interest, or experience.
  22. V is for Volt-the SI unit of electromotive force, the difference of potential that would drive one ampere of current against one-ohm resistance.
  23. W is for wavelength-the distance between successive crests of a wave, especially points in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave.
  24. X is for X-ray-photograph or examines with X-rays.
  25. Y is for Yolk-the corresponding part in the ovum or larva of all egg-laying vertebrates and many invertebrates.
  26. Z is for Zonal Wind-flow is a meteorological term regarding atmospheric circulation following a general flow pattern along latitudinal lines, as opposed to meridional flow along longitudinal lines