My best work for Art class

Hi, it’s hmsdavid and on this post, I wanted to talk/ show you my best work for Art class. For this post, I chose to show you guys The beauty of Hawaii painting. But since I don’t have the picture I will show you guys the picture of what the real picture is based on.

File:Apapane RWD4.jpg

I chose this picture of my best work because I really love birds and wanted to show that on a painting to show the beauty of Hawaii. Enjoy.

My best work for Japanese class

Hi, it’s hmsdavid and on this post, I wanted to show/ talk about my best work for Japanese class. For this post, I chose to show you guys the Japanese restaurant script. So basically we had to create a restaurant, make a menu, and present it to the class. And our restaurant was called Yummy Eats.

Yummy Eats

Mari: おいしい しょくどうへようこそ    ごちゅもん   よろしいてしょうか

O i shi i sho ku do u he yo u ko so go chu mo n yo ro shi i te sho u ka

David: わたし は フレンチフライ と クワッドバーガーを たのみたいです。

Wa ta shi wa fu re n chi ra i to ku wa do ba-ga-wo ta no mi ta i de su

Mari:フレンチフライ と クワッドドバーガーですね

Fu re n chi fu ra i to ku wa do do ba-ga-de su ne

David: はい、ちいさいのをください

Ha i, chi i sa i no wo  ku da sa i

Mari:どんな のみもの になさいますか

Do n na no mi mo no ni na sa i ma su ka

David: そこにあるものはなんですか。

So ko ni a ru mo no ha na n de su ka

Mari:ホイップクリーム アイスクリム チェリースプリンクル を いれた いちご のフロート みず、ペプシ、チェリーソーダも あります

Ho i pu ku ri-mu a i su ri mu chu ri-su pu ri n ku ru wo i re ta i chi go no fu ro-to mi zu, pe pu, che ri-n-da mo a ri ma su

David: わたしはいちごをおねがいしてもいいですか?

Wa ta shi wa i chi wo o ne ga i shi te mo i i de su ka?

Mari:ストロベリー フロートですね、フレンチフライとクアッドバーガーあわせて、800円いただきます。しょうしょうおまちください。

Su to ro be  ri- fu ro-to de su ne, fu re n chi fu ra i to ku a do ba-ga-a wa se te, ha piya ku yen i ta da ki ma su. sho u sho u o ma chi ku da sa i.

David: ありがとう、ごちそうさまでした。

A ri ga to u, go chi so sa ma de shi ta.

I chose this doc for my best work for Japanese class because I don’t usually have a group project that results in a good grade. And I also chose this because we are being creative, and learning, even more, to speak better in Japanese. Enjoy. And one of our menu burgers was based on a McDonald’s burger.

via creative commons search/ mcdonalds

Until next post.

My best work for Science Class

Hi, it’s hmsdavid and this time I wanted to show you my best work for Science class. It’s called the Moli Bolus Report. I wrote this after our trip to Camp Mokulei’a as a report.

David Burkett

September 1, 2017

Science 6

What’s For Dinner – Moli Bolus report

  1. Investigative Questions! What can we learn about the Moli’s eating habits by dissecting its bolus?
  2. Hypothesis If I dissect a Moli bolus, then I think I will find about 30% fishing line, 20% plastics, 30% ocean animal particles, 20% unidentifiable objects I think this is in the Bolus because the Moli doesn’t know what is food, and not food. So fishing line may look like a line of fish eggs, and many plastics may look like a school of shiny fish to them. So that’s why I think this is in the Bolus.   

III. Method (procedure)  Step #1 open the packet, #2 look through the Bolus,3# separate the contents of the Bolus into man-made, and non man-made, #4 examine non man-made section, #5 separate all plastics, #6 separate chunky plastic, #7 examine manmade section, #8 separate chewing things, #9 take out all fishing gear, #10 Another pile of land, and sea stuff, #11 examine natural stuff, #12 separate all crustacean shells, #13 take out, and make a pile of bones #14 separate squid beaks, #15 make a pile of nuts seeds from land stuff, #16 clean up area, #17 repack bolus in white paper, #18 wash your hands.


  1.  Conclusion  My hypothesis was correct because in my bolus I found a fishing line, different kind of plastics, also I found some brown thing I couldn’t identify, and lastly, I found some ocean animals.
  2. Connects to the Real World I recommend that we take care of our Malama the albatross because they control ocean species, and clean up our ocean not in a good way though. Also, they are an exemplar to conservation for other species of birds. Other species of plants and animals need albatross because without them they can’t travel to places like for plants that hitchhike in their feathers to go to new places, and bugs. So that’s why it is important that we Malama all our species of plants, and animals, including our Moli.   


Conclusion continued:

  1. What do your findings tell you about the Moli’s habitat? My findings in the bolus tell me that the Molis habitat is filled with lots of dirt, and debris. I say this because In all boluses we had mostly trash, and dirt like things in it so it must be living in a habitat with lots of dirt, and trash. I also found lots of squid beaks, rubber, and the plastics, and dirt in the bolus. I think that the trash in their habitat is coming from other places in the world on waves, and it collects on the islands, and the debris looks like food so they eat it, and don’t even know it. So that’s why there are a lot of different, and unusual things in the bolus that is not their natural food items.


  1. My findings did support my hypothesis because at first before dissecting the bolus I made a hypothesis on what I would find. Next, when I started to dissect all the contents of the bolus I saw everything I made a hypothesis on. Some things I guessed would find where fishing lines, plastic, and squid beaks. And I found only a few things I didn’t know about.   

I chose to put this in as my best work for Science class because I really like birds, and like to study about them so I decided to put this as my best work.

a href=”<” via creative commons search/Laysann Albaross

Until next post see you



My best work for Social Studies class

Hi, it’s hmsdavid and on this post, I wanted to talk about my best work for Social studies, and for this post, I chose this google doc called I am a falconer.

I am a: Falconer


I am a falconer. I have a routine that I do every day. I first have to basically train, capture, and care for the Hawks. First I check on the birds when I wake up in the morning. Second I check the feathers and everything like the legs and head. Third I feed the falcon proportionally and check its weight. 4th I check the anklets to see if they are broken and the Jessee. 5th I see her mood and reactions that may indicate something may be wrong Next I put her on a perch and see how well she can fly and stay on to see if there are any issues. Next, I look at the mews for any insect activity. Next, after I feed the falcon I check for how much weight the falcon needs to gain or lose. And that’s basically my routine with one bird or birds. My boss is or I answer to is the king or queen anyone in the high positions mainly the king or queen though. When I am taking care of the falcons I also work with other falconers and some of the king’s people. My responsibilities are to care, capture, and train the Falcons. The skills that I need to do my job is to be patient with the falcon with 7 to 10 years in training and hunting, and I  need to be able to commited, need to know the behavior of the falcon, and knowledge. I became who I am now by the falconry being passed down from my family members.


Lords ( rulers) Mobility ( defenders) Peasants

( workers)

Queen Forester Miller
King Pardoner
















I chose this specific doc because it shows my personality and my best well-written script that I have ever written. Down below is all the other jobs and their ranks back in the medieval ages. Enjoy. down below also is a picture of what medieval falconing would have been like.


My best work for Math class

Hi, it’s hmsdavid and on this post, I wanted to show you/ talk about my best work for math class. For this post, I chose my test on prime factorization GCF and LCM.

photo shot/best work 

I chose this as my best work for math class because I don’t get A’s on many math tests and I also had a hard time on this subject and I still got an A so that is why I chose this as my best work for math class. Until next post. Enjoy.

My best work for Language Arts

Hi, it’s hmsdavid and this time I wanted to show you my best work for Language Arts class. I chose to show you my scopes Alcatraz contest essay. Enjoy

They Did Make It!!!!

History of the brothers

What is the history of the 3 Anglin Brothers? How did they first get themselves in jail? They first came to Alcatraz Island jail because they all committed a bank robbery and had been convicted along with their brother Alfred. He was serving his second term and carried a reputation as an arrogant criminal.


I definitely think they escaped if the Mythbusters did it again and made it without much trouble. In Mythbusters, they explained how they built it, and almost the exact route they might of went through in the escape, and it turns out that Mythbusters succeeded, so it is quite possible that the Anglin brothers could have made it out alive.


Mythbusters/ important facts.

 First of all, how did the Mythbusters build almost the exactly the same raft? They got important facts from FBI files from the raft found after the escape, and they built it by using the few materials that they had, they used about 50 patched together raincoats to make a raft and life vests, 80 tools for lots of digging, and wooden paddles. The many facts found from the FBI were used to try to find the brothers, and help find more escapees like this one. Some important facts found were how they made the dummies using real human hair, plaster, and flesh tone paint.


They said things about what their plan was once they got to shore, they were likely to steal clothes and a car then get away. Even though Mythbusters tried it and the search ended 17 years after the escape, someone may find another way one day.


History on other escapes on Alcatraz and more special info on escape


Now the FBI is getting new information that the Anglin brother did in fact survive. After many years, the FBI finally got the family to start talking, and the family of the brothers said that they have evidence buried about 6 feet underground, and FBI found remains of the brothers Alfred. And the family claims that the brothers may be alive to this day, but not likely Morris, after bones may have indicated that he may not have made it. We may never know, but this new evidence may indicate that the brothers may be alive, but we will never know. 

I really liked that I wrote about this topic because I went to Alcatraz Island, and watched tv shows on this so I was glad to learn more about the escape.

Alcatraz Island via Creative Commons Search


Until next post see you later

Super Bowl Predictions

Hi, it’s hmsdavid and this time I wanted to talk about this weekends Super Bowl predictions, about the Patriots, and the Eagles. First off I wanted to talk about their awesome season both teams. Philidelphia started off good, and yay the Seahawks beat them but later on in the season Carson Wentz got injured. But it looks like Nick Foles may have a chance at pulling it off and winning the Super Bowl but it will be a tough one against the recent Super Bowl champs the Patriots.

And now the Patriots they have had a great season too like the eagles but they ended as a tie record between the 2 teams.  I think they will win again but you never know what will happen. Or will the referees help them again.  Leave a comment and tell me what you think about who will win or tell me what your predictions are, and what will happen. Until next post goodbye. And here are some links below Link Link  I lastly think the eagles will win.