March Posts Finch Nest

Hi, it’s HmsDavid and on this post, I will be writing about a Common Waxbill Finch nest I have been watching and keeping track of for about one month.

So, about a month ago from today I found a pair of Common Waxbill Finches building a nest in my neighbors’ Mango tree across the street from my house. I was very excited and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get some great pictures and learn more about these little birds. So I watched them almost every day watching the nest building progress from just weeds/grass everywhere to slowly forming a ball. When the pair was about finished I was just amazed by the size and the complexity of the nest because finches I think are the only birds that have 2 nests in one.

Image result for common waxbill finch

So on the top is called the Rudimentary nest or Cocks nest and as by the name that is where the male usually sleeps while the female is in the main nest tending to the eggs and the babies. The nest is close to the size of a volleyball and is green when built and turns brown over time indicating that either the babies are already big and ready to leave the nest or they are about to. These birds use weeds, and grass to build their nest and they will add small chest feathers of other birds that they find and on occasion they will use trash like cigarettes, and plastic material. And lastly you are probably wondering how do they get into this big ball-shaped nest so, they make a tunnel at the very bottom of the nest and they just fly straight into it.

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So now that you guys have some information I hope you understand better what is going on in my story that I will now conclude soon. After the nest was done being built it was about a month until they finally laid their eggs, and I couldn’t check how many there were or anything because unlike other birds they can smell human scent so I always kept my distance. But it wasn’t long before I started to see damage on the nest and that made me really worried because I thought that the rats did that but it was just the parents so that was a huge relief for me. Just a couple days ago when I check on them I didn’t see either of the parents for a while and I waited until sunset and they didn’t come back and I was worried they abandoned it and for some reason, I don’t know they did. They left behind 3 white eggs that were dead the size of a penny and I was really sad but I just had to move on about it. Well, I hope you guys liked this post tune into the next one I will see you all later bye.

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